There is much to know when buying or selling a home. You may be familiar with the joy and excitement of real estate transactions and perhaps with the potential problems and pitfalls of being on either side – buyer or seller. We know them too and we know how to help you avoid them. We also know the path to a smooth transaction for all involved in a home sale.
What we really want is to know YOU. Residential real estate is personal, emotional, visceral, imaginative. We want to know you so we can see the same dream you’re seeing. And to help it come true. We will spend time with you learning who you are and what you want for yourself and your family. Then, we will help you achieve it.
On your way to your dream place, there could be a few bumps and our team will be there to help. Certificate of Occupancy issues, inspections, pre-sale repairs, post-sale warranties are all things you can stop worrying about as a client of Danson Heights Realty.
So, sweet dreams. We have you covered.